Sunday, July 3, 2011

Annoying Facebook & BBM Relationship Updates

One of the great things about social networking sites, especially Facebook and Blackberry Messenger, is that we get a sneak peek into the lives of others. Personal information they previously kept to themselves is now out there for all — or at least those in their networks — to see. Often, their musings or status updates are thought-provoking or funny. But some folks love nothing more than broadcasting the fabulousness (or not so fabulousness) of their relationships. And that's when things start getting annoying. Here are five of the most annoying types of Facebook/BBM status updates about relationships. Do you agree?

Smug marrieds and smug engageds
"Sorry women of earth, the most amazing man EVER belongs to me. Love my hubby!" We get that you're on cloud nine. You retag and then repost your wedding photos every single day.

"Officially off the market. He went to Jared!" Then, there's that.

Passive aggressive fights
"Stuck doing the dishes again because *someone* is too busy watching TV to help." Perhaps a face-to-face chat with your partner would be more productive than calling him or her out to all of your friends?

Generic sappy sentiments asking for action
"Thanks babe for always being there. Thanks babe for knowing how to make me smile. Thanks babe for reminding me that true still love exists. REPOST IF YOU LOVE YOUR SOUL MATE!!!!" A romantic chain-letter type request on Facebook and BBM? Really?

My love life is way better than yours
"I'm the luckiest because I get to wake up next to SIGNIFICANT OTHER'S NAME beautiful face every morning."Your partner's great and all, but I'm more than happy with my own sleeping arrangements, thank you very much.

Broadcasted breakups
"Now I know what Phil Collins was feeling: 'I wish I could just make you turn around, turn around and see me cry. There's so much I need to say to you, so many reasons why.'" Perhaps a phone call would be a better way to reach out to your ex?

Please whatever your feelings, the whole world need not hear about.

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